sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013

Designs: "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me"

Philippians 4:13: " I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me". Exactly thus saith the quote biblical in which is based the design.

In our lives we realize that always, but always let's traverse by many difficulties, that never gonna change, but thanks to the Word Divina that left us our Father Celestial, we can be calm, because the Word of God not mistaken.

When arrive those moments (and arrive) of difficulties, simply we have to leave everything on hands of God, when there that make decisions we also have to pray and ask God to lead us for make the best decision. There something that always usually do when are presented those moments difficult of make decisions, what I do is ask me: "What would God in my place? What would be the decision He would take? How would think He regarding this?" And from those simple questions tome my decision. Claro for all is not equal, but to me me works and I just want share it with you, and well power help some to have a strategy to make a difficult decision.

There that remember that all hard moments in our lives are necessary, since through of those moments is that forms the character, are modified the thoughts and attitude towards certain things changes, because we learn to act in the difficulties.

Yo through this one design just want transmit a message, a word, an image that hopefully and I hope so be it, makes you reflect, makes you think more in God and can also share all that I love you share. Always I hope and I ask God that is of blessing for all who come to blog and are carried something of here to their lives.

May God bless and that the blessing continue flowing.

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